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陶笛 2
陶笛 2










编辑点评:Smule 出品,它能灵敏的感应到你的吐气和手指的触摸,让并不精通乐器的你也能轻松演奏美妙乐章。

Blow into your phone, play the notes, feel the magic as Ocarina 2 responds to your breath, touch and movement. Turn your phone into an ancient flute-like instrument with Ocarina 2, and play the songs you love. Ocarina 2 brings all the magic from the classic Ocarina - one of Apple's All-Time Top 20 Apps - and more!

The sequel to the original, Ocarina 2 now includes a completely new song mode. Easily play and learn your favorite songs as scores light up to guide your fingers. You control the notes, speed and tempo, allowing your expressivity to shine.

"If everyone had the Ocarina app there would be no more wars" - David Pogue
"One of the most original entertainment programs to emerge from the App Store" - Wall Street Journal
"Ocarina is one of the most magical programs I've ever seen" - NY Times

From classical to pop, video game themes to traditional songs, there is something for everyone! New and free songs released weekly. Choose from songs including:
- Theme from Zelda
- Mario Brothers Theme
- X-Files
- Apologize – One Republic
- Baby – Justin Bieber
- Bad Romance – Lady Gaga
- Clocks – Coldplay
- The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
- Ave Maria – Bach
- Clair de Lune – Debussy
- And much, much more!

Want a song that's not available* Suggest songs on Smule’s Facebook or Google+ page: www.facebook.com/smule and http://gplus.to/smule

Do you love Ocarina classic* Just go to "Freestyle" on the home menu and play any song you like with no guidance. Scores still available at http://www.smule.com/songbook/scores.

Play your Ocarina in the new “whistle mode” (we find it particularly fun to play “X-Files” and “The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly”).

Make progress towards mastery and achievements such as:
- “Iron-Lung” (25,000 breath points)
- Breath points accumulate as you blow into your Ocarina
- Or, attain status such as “Ocarina Jedi” by mastering 100 songs

Hear people playing around the world:
- Listen in on Ocarina players all over the world by visiting - - the interactive Smule globe
- Love & comment on your favorite performances
- Share your favorite performances through Facebook or e-mail

Watch some great Ocarina performances on YouTube: www.youtube.com/smule.

Follow us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/smule
Follow us on Twitter: www.twitter.com/smule

Try other Smule apps:
Magic Piano, Magic Guitar, Glee Karaoke, I Am T-Pain, MadPad
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