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网页设计精灵 (HTML Egg Web Page Creator)
网页设计精灵 (HTML Egg Web Page Creator)







开发:Aidaluu Inc.



"网页设计精灵"是特别为iPhone, iPad 和 iPod touch 制作的网页设计软件。

*捆绑精美的模板, 包括商务和个人风格的网页


请把您的意见和问题放送到 htmlegg@aidaluu.com

Introducing HTML Egg, a web page maker developed exclusively for the iPad, iPhone and iPod touch. Tap, Swipe, Pan and Pinch! Create and publish a beautiful web page in minutes, zero coding required.

"Superb!" is not a strong enough word. Perhaps, "phenomenal" or even "incomparable" are better...Grab the App and enjoy the design process, this app removes the hassle and makes web development fun! - USA

"Fantastic. A stunning app" - UK

* WYSIWYG editor
* Add images, texts and links with simple touch gestures (no need for coding!)
* Comes bundled with beautiful templates including styles for both business and personal pages
* Embeds YouTube videos, visitor traffic analytics, Twitter, Facebook and many other social apps
* Edit and update your sites while you're on the go (saved locally on the device, internet not required until you're ready to upload to your FTP server)
* Style texts with 40+ fonts, 200 sizes, various box borders and corners
* Supports 140 gorgeous colors and shades (nicely arranged by palette colors)
* Supports multiple layers with free form arrangement
* Supports special CSS effects such as shadow, object opacity and shape transformations
* Lock and unlock object positions
* Snap to grid with adjustable grid size and line colors
* Re-size images within the App with gestures
* Move objects around the page, easily rearrange at anytime
* Multi Select: group multiple objects together for resize, move and style
* Quickly publish to the web with the built in FTP uploader
* Supports unlimited number of websites and web pages
* Saves multiple FTP accounts
* Fully customizable title and file name
*Optimize for search engine listings with meta keywords and meta descriptions tags
* PNG image generation supports all image opacity including transparent images
* Share your pages by uploading to the web or email a copy in PDF format
* Supports easy file backups and restore through Dropbox and iTunes Filesharing
* HTML generation engine presents neatly formatted HTML and CSS source code
* Preview page designs in web view using the built in browser
* Supports HTML Snippets
* Reuse codes developed from other projects
* Write and edit HTML code (in snippets) directly within the App
* Integrate with third party web Apps such as social widgets and traffic analytics
* Embed streaming videos and web portlets
* Sync between different devices and the web using the Page Import feature
* Universal App, native designs supported on the iPad, iPhone and iPod touch

This App is designed to be super easy to use, but for brand new beginners who wish to get a bit of help, please check out our tutorial videos on YouTube. We show you step by step on how to quickly create a simple web page and then publish it to the web.


Are you creating your next website with an iPhone, iPod touch or iPad using HTML Egg* We would love to hear from you, please send your comments and questions to htmlegg@aidaluu.com

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