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编辑点评:精致 Todo 工具,可与手机日历或 Google Calendar 同步,有详细的图表分析,让你清楚了解每项任务所占比重。

Start planning out your daily tasks in mere seconds & guarantee you make the most of every day right away!

★ Schedule Planner Pro keeps constant positions within TOP 200 Paid iPad Productivity apps.

Download Schedule Planner Pro and use the app’s accessible and highly practical layout to coordinate important tasks from various categories today!

Schedule Planner PRO was developed to aide users in planning out daily activities by category and priority. Busy users are provided with a flexible set of categories ranging from “Shopping” to “Health” and “Work” among others. Once a category is selected users simply input the specific nature of each time block, including when each task should be started and its overall duration. Tasks and full days can be planned in advance & viewed day-by-day via a practical graphic calendar. Furthermore, tasks are color coordinate for convenience, while the app employs an in-depth pie-chart diagram color coded to let users see how they send their time with a quick glance.

The app features a practical user interface that allows users to either create day plans from scratch or by editing pre-existing plans to save time. Creating new activities is always simple to do, requiring only a few sequential steps to complete. To ensure its viability, Schedule Planner PRO allows users to edit and change the app’s settings task-by-task as well. Users can even create full event articles if they need to remember or describe the specifics of any given activity or time block at length for personal reference later. The world is busier than ever; take this opportunity to start optimizing your time and become more productive than ever before with Schedule Planner PRO today!

Visit our site: scheduleplannerapp.com

App Features:

* Ability to integrate in-app schedules with either your Google calendar or iOS calendar.
* Well-rounded & multi-faceted Task Selection & Creation editor.
* Ability to color code tasks by category.
* Color coded diagram view option to view breakdown of how a user’s time is spent.
* Pre-set Task categories by focus; Work, Meals, Health, etc.
* Arrange options for lists
* Swipe to switch between days
* Alerts and notifications
* Copy and Paste feature
* Repeat feature

Schedule Planner Pro is developed by INTERSOG LLC.
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