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Access and stream your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch Music Library directly over WiFi from an XBox, a PS3 or any compatible DLNA device. No Wires or special hardware needed! It can even stream to a PC running Windows Media Player.

If you've heard all the hype about AirPlay and are missing out because your don't have an AppleTV, this app is for you!

★★★★★★ FEEDBACK ★★★★★★

"This is frikin awesome, no need to clog up harddrives with downloaded music, sounds great, best I've seen." -Cassidy Cripe

"I love it, works flawlessly with my Xbox 360!!" -Jasonua

"This thing does exactly what it says it will, and with no problems at all. Even better that it will now stream my Apple Lossless music too. My only complaint is that they didn't make the app a year or so earlier." -Dan Stock

★★★★★★ HOW TO USE ★★★★★★

* Connect your iPod, iPhone or iPad to the same local network as your XBox, PS3 or PC.
* Start AirMusic.
* If you have an XBox, turn it on, navigate to the Music Library and select your device in the list.
* If you have a PS3, turn it on, navigate to the Music Menu and select your device in the list. If it shows nothing underneath, it probably means you selected the Movie or Photo node.
* If you have a PC running Windows Vista or Windows 7, start Windows Media Player, your iPhone will show up under 'Other Libraries'.
* You can background the app but you will be prompted to relaunch the app every 10 minutes for the music to keep playing.
* If you're experiencing skipping, turn off High-Quality streams in Settings.

★★★★★★ IMPORTANT ★★★★★★

* AirMusic is compatible with iCloud as long as songs have been downloaded & synced with your phone. If songs are playing in the stock iPod app, they should play in AirMusic.
* AirMusic requires an iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch with a minimum of 50MB of disk space to work effectively.
* On a PC, AirMusic only works with Windows Media Player running on Windows Vista or Windows 7.
* AirMusic is not compatible with old DRM songs purchased on iTunes. Newer iTunes DRM free purchases are compatible.

If you are experiencing any other issues, please visit our site at http://airmusic.plutinosoft.com or contact us at airmusic@plutinosoft.com. We can't help you if we don't hear from you!

AirMusic is Copyright * Plutinosoft, LLC
Powered by Platinum UPnP SDK http://plutinosoft.com/platinum
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