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开发:Rhism LLC




guitarism: the first touch guitar app built for live performance
Limited-time free promotion is now over. guitarism is now a Top 10 Music App in 33 countries! Thanks for your support!
★★★★★ "I can't play a real guitar, but I can play this and it sounds great!"
*★★★★★ "Love the natural feel - you really forget you're on a phone!!"*
★★★★★ "I especially like how the sound changes when you tilt the phone"**
An acoustic guitar app for those who love the physical, visceral experience of performing in front of a live audience. If you've been repeatedly disappointed by other acoustic guitar apps that aren't built for live performance, this is the app for you. guitarism is designed on 3 principles that enables its performers to look good, sound great and uniquely express themselves:

1) Performers look good: guitarism is playable without the need to constantly look at the screen. Guitarists look at their audience not their guitars, but*with other guitar apps, the performer is cautiously pressing tiny buttons on the screen. Not with guitarism - the UI is designed to let you look around while you play

2) Performers sound great: great enough to perform on stage. other acoustic guitar apps have audible cracks and pops, or just sound dull to begin with. guitarism gets the basics of sound design right so you can confidently plug it into an amp and crank up the volume. Vocalists can sing along with guitarism without feeling compromised

3) Performers express themselves: guitarism gives the performer complete control over the primary aspects of expressiveness for rhythm acoustic guitar: timing, velocity, volume and chord variations. Performances never sound synthetic or robotic - no two strums are the same and each performance sounds unique. And with chord variations, performers can insert their own alterations and enhancements in the moment just by tilting the phone, which no other guitar app can do today
**- Natural guitar strumming interface and realistic acoustic guitar sounds
**- Easily add expressive variations on your chords by tilting your phone*
**- Select from hundreds of chords to play, and audition them live
*- Shift the pitch of the guitar up or down to make it easier to sing along
**- Play along with music from your iPhone or iPod Touch library, and save chord layouts per song*
NOTE: the guitarism experience is optimized for strumming, because of which guitarism uses non-standard chord formations for many of its chords. As a result, some chords have repeated notes on certain strings. This is intentional and serves to optimize the strumming experience, as guitarism is designed for strumming not individual string picking.
**Get guitarism and start rocking out today!
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